The business details are intended as a guide to assist potential purchasers with information relevant to their consideration of whether to proceed with the purchase of this practice. BlackSquare can accept no responsibility for, or warrant the accuracy or validity of the information provided by third parties, including the vendor and associated accountants, solicitors etc. It is therefore essential for potential purchasers to undertake the usual and appropriate enquiries and investigations to be expected of a potential purchaser or their advisors.
Offered subject to remaining unsold and not withdrawn and subject to final contract. Details as supplied by the vendors. Neither BlackSquare nor any of their respective officers, servants or agents gives any guarantee or warranty as to any information or advice provided by them or shall be liable for damages or loss of whatever nature; arising from this document whether due to omission default negligence or any other cause whatsoever or in respect of indemnity claims by other parties arising from any delay defect error or omission save to the extent that any attempt at exclusion of liability will be contrary to law. Prospective purchasers should therefore satisfy themselves about the accuracy of the information contained in this document. BlackSquare Solutions Limited is registered under the Data Protection Acts of 1984 & 1998.
For more information about a practice or to schedule a viewing, please telephone Dan Jobber on 01268 928060